Why is sex work a positive force in society?

Sex workers have the power to heal. A visit to a sex worker is a form of therapy. The health benefits are huge. Let me give some examples:
One client booked me for an hour and just wanted a massage, a regular one, no ‘happy ending.’ His brother had committed suicide a few weeks beforehand. He just needed to feel connected and nurtured in that moment. His choice of nurture was in the form of a massage.
Another client who was suicidal after a break-up just wanted to talk. I was able to comfort and reassure him which in turn helped him to move on.
One of my last clients was a widower who just wanted some female company and was happy to chat for a couple of hours about anything from politics and current affairs, to love and relationships. No nudity, nothing physical, just chatting like old friends. He was a true Gentleman.
I have met so many lovely clients over the years. The point of my book is not just to eradicate shame for sex workers but also for clients. I think clients get given unfair labels by society as ‘perverts’ or people you’d avoid but the reality is very different. I’m not saying that there aren’t bad clients out there but from my experiences, many of my clients were lovely, kind, respectful and giving people. I learned from them, and they learned from me.
Many of my clients referred to me as their therapist. ‘You are my doctor!’ I have been told. I think one of the main reasons why I was able to build a long list of loyal regulars was because I needed my clients just as much as they needed me. I wasn’t all take. I wanted to feel a connection too. I gave clients everything I could in that moment. I was attentive, I was genuine and wanted them to feel better after their time with me.
The best sex workers are giving and genuinely want their clients to feel better after spending time with them. That’s what sex work is all about. It is the feel-good service.
Sex workers prevent suicides, help people to feel connected, seen, heard, wanted, like they have a voice, like they matter. I’d say that’s a pretty integral part of society. It allows clients to have a release, blow off some steam without feeling shame or judged. In that moment, it allows the client to be themselves. Isn’t that what we are all striving for? To be accepted as ourselves?
Imagine a world without sex workers. Can you imagine what that would be like? What do you think that would mean for clients who are lonely and in need of human contact? Without a doubt, there would be an increase in suicides, drug abuse, self-harm, abusive behaviour, depression, anxiety, addiction. Sex workers are therapists who really do have the power to heal.
Not only that, but for the sex workers themselves, working as a sex worker allows a certain level of freedom all whilst earning a healthy income. The freedom to choose your working schedule, the freedom to pursue other business ventures, spend time with friends and family. Personally, it gave me the freedom to also volunteer for a couple of hours each week. Something that I wouldn’t have been able to do whilst in a corporate job. On top of the volunteering, I was able to prioritise my health, invest in therapy, build my business brand, manage my holiday let and write my book. I loved how the freedom of choosing my own schedule as a sex worker, enabled me to give back.
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