An insight Into sex work

Many people ask me about what it was like being an escort. Here’s a diary entry that will provide more insight, concerning an appointment with client who, so he told me, worked in national security.
Friday 6th April 2018
Booking at the Hilton Park Lane
Wow! Chemistry!
Overlooking Marble Arch and the bustling London nightlife, bright lights of the city, black cabs, double decker buses circle around Marble Arch. Yet another beautiful view of the city I had fallen for many years ago. A passion-fuelled night, good conversation and in beautiful surroundings.
He was a powerful man and he had money. It turned me on. He was a passionate force and I had him as putty in my hand, “I love a woman who knows how to be a woman” he whispered into my ear as he stood behind me with his arms wrapped around me sliding up and down my naked body whilst I used my derrière to rub myself against him. Our reflection
in the window caught my eye, our naked bodies fitting perfectly together over the bright lights and bustling city below us:
“You were genetically engineered to fuck me tonight. It’s insane!” He continued. “You’re like a sex angel!”
“Do you speak Italian?” He said.
“Hmmm, no,” I said, curiously.
“Mi fai girare la testa,” he whispered.
“What does that mean?” I turned to him.
“You make my head spin”
Back at my apartment, I counted my money. I just couldn’t believe how much I had. From having my last £30 in my account to now. I virtually had money coming out of my ears. The walk to the bank was a tense moment. Cap on, head down, don’t look anyone in the eye. If anyone dares to mug me now, I will kill them! No one is mugging me, not after everything I’ve had to go through to get this point.
My struggles, my journey, I was not going to let a thief take that away from me. Working with the new agency, the busyness, the clients, the hours, the pay, I thought to myself, ‘This is how it is meant to be.’
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