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Book Review: The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale

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Ever since watching the documentary, The Secret on Netflix I have become a huge fan of the American spiritual teacher and bestselling author, Joe Vitale. Joe has published over 70 books with his first book, Zen and the Art of Writing being published in 1984. His works include Hypnotic Writing: How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words, The Miracle: Six Steps to Enlightenment and There’s a Customer Born Every Minute.

I sailed my way through reading The Secret, The Secret to Attracting Money and most recently, The Attractor Factor. What I love the most about this book is that it helped me to be brutally honest with myself, to turn inwards and own everything that has happened in my life. It encourages the reader to stop blaming others for their problems, stop making excuses and to take responsibility. The list of excuses for not achieving what we want in life can be endless, ‘I’m too married, I’m too single, I have kids, I don’t have kids, I’m too busy, I’m too broke.’  The list goes on.

But what Joe does so well in such a raw, honest and enlightening way is help the reader to understand that, for the most part, the things that happen in our lives is largely because of ourselves. Once you realise that, you are able to take control of your life. For me it felt like such a lightbulb moment. To understand that all that has happened/is happening in my life, I have in some way (a subconscious way) attracted, both the good and the bad. Like attracts like after all. In understanding that the things you attract in your life are down to your subconscious beliefs then the world is your oyster! You can focus on attracting more of the things that you want whether that be health, love, finances or career.

Take inspired action, do it today, do it right now. Make the call, send the email, buy the book. Take the steps needed to achieve your dreams, exercise daily gratitude, believe in yourself, persist through the challenges and watch the magic happen!

The most useful steps that I took from the book were to:

*Set an intention – be clear on what you want

*Be playful – imagine what it would be like to have it

*Take inspired action – when you get those little nudges listen to them and make your move

*Face your fears – acknowledge that it feels scary and unfamiliar but do it anyway

*Dissolve limiting beliefs – challenge the old beliefs that you had installed into you as a child. Create new beliefs.

I also love how this book serves as a reminder to give love. Give love everyday especially to those who have hurt you. Giving love dissolves any kind of resistance and unblocks any negative energy which then leaves us open to receive. We are limited in life by our own beliefs, by how we have been conditioned as children. But in adult life, we get to choose who we want to be. The key to that is awareness and unlocking those limited beliefs that have been living in our subconscious for many years.

If you are a person who is ready to make a change in life and needs a guiding hand, then this is definitely the book for you. Thank you so much to Joe Vitale for this book! It was exactly what I needed to read at exactly the right time in my life.

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