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Over the last couple of weeks, I have been interviewed by two radio stations to discuss my memoir, Unashamed: Why do people pay for sex? and my fight for change within the sex industry. One interview was with Siren Radio and the other one was with BBC Radio Wales. Such a surreal and liberating experience! After years and years of hiding my life as a sex worker, ‘suddenly’ I am speaking openly about it on National radio!

Naturally, it got me thinking about the sheer power of shame. Like my therapist said, how it can ‘stick to us like glue.’ There certainly were moments during the interviews where my inner child seemingly attempted to pull me back down and say ‘we are not allowed to talk about that.’ It was just a millisecond of a moment and I am learning to manage such moments. Now that ‘adult Elizabeth’ is well and truly in charge, I don’t bow down in a panic feeling like a bad person. Because I know that the words I am speaking are ultimately helping people. I have already been told so by many of my friends and followers, ‘I am so proud of you!’ ‘Thank you for being our voice’ and ‘I see the industry differently after reading your book.’ And it is their words of encouragement that keep me going.

Having a voice on National radio really does mean so much. I am truly grateful to both Alex and Lynn for speaking with me and showing genuine interest in my story. I just know that someone who really needed to hear what I have to say, would have heard those interviews and felt some sort of comfort. I feel very fortunate to have been given a platform which, in time, will encourage sex workers to come forwards and out of those shadows. The mother hen in me is here to protect them and show them that it’s ok for us to exist.

To listen to the full interviews, click on the links below:

BBC Radio Wales

Siren Radio

Why am I campaigning to end the social stigma surrounding sex work?
Happy Birthday!
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